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How to Remove Metadata from RTF Files to Remove Digital Trail?

Written By
Nick Rogers
Published On
April 12th, 2023
Reading Time
5 Minutes Reading

Summary: Are you in need to remove metadata from RTF files to reduce digital trail? Looking for a way to complete this task, but having trouble finding a workable solution? If your answer is yes, you will get the right answer here.


We are all aware that users occasionally want the metadata from their files removed.

There may be several reasons to carry out such a task, including:

  • The original author’s and any other contributors’ privacy is better secure when metadata is removed from RTF files.
  • It aids in protecting the privacy of sensitive information in the document.
  • By removing the metadata from RTF files, it is possible to prevent legal problems by preventing the source of a document from being discovered.
  • By preventing unauthorized changes to the information in the document, it contributes to maintaining its integrity.
  • Taking out the metadata from RTF files lowers the possibility of data leakage and malicious attacks.

These are the top 5 main advantages of removing metadata from RTF files. We’ll go over the potential approaches to completing this task in the sections below. Continue reading the article to find the best solution.

How to Remove Metadata from RTF Files?

It is possible to manually remove metadata from RTF files if that is what you are looking for. By opening the file in a text editor and performing this action, the file’s header and footer sections can be eliminate.

But the manual method takes a lot of time and is prone to mistakes, so it is not recommended. Additionally, it does not ensure that all metadata will be taken out of the file. Tools that are automated are typically more reliable and effective.

4n6 Team also developed the most effective, reliable, and safe MetaRaser Wizard for Windows users. This application has been developed in such a way that it can safely remove metadata from unlimited RTF files to reduce digital trail. With this software, it is also possible to remove meta in bulk or selectively. The application has a very user-friendly interface. One can easily use this utility without facing any type of hassle.

Additionally, this RTF Meta Removal Software offers a number of cutting-edge features, which we will describe below. Look at the removal of RTF metadata’s working steps first.

How to Remove Meta Properties from RTF Files in 5 Easy Steps?

  • First, it is advised to utilize the freeware version. You can test the working and features using the free demo version without having to spend any money.

Once the app is downloaded on your computer, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Run the app and click on Open tab.
  • Now, choose Document Files from the drop-down list.
  • Here, choose RTF and click on Choose Files or Choose Folders option to browse your RTF files.
    choose rtf files or folders
  • This software will instantly load all the selected files on the left panel. Click on the loaded files and preview RTF files.
    preview rtf files
  • Now, go to Actions option and choose Clear Metadata option.
    choose clear metadata
  • Choose the required destination path and click the Save button to begin the process.
    saving process

The software starts removing metadata from RTF files. This process of removing meta will only take a few moments.

People Also Ask

Ques 1. How to remove metadata from RTF files manually?

Ans 1. Follow the step by step process:

  • Step 1. Use a text editor, like Notepad, to open your RTF file.
  • Step 2. Look for any lines with “metadata” or “document properties” in them.
  • Step 3. Remove these terms from every line of your RTF files.
  • Step 4. After saving the file, quit the text editor.
  • Step 5. Check that the metadata is gone by opening the RTF file in a word processor.

Ques 2. Is it possible to remove OR Author name from RTF files with this exclusive RTF Metadata Remover?

Ans 2. Yes, the app successfully remove metadata properties in easy steps.

Ques 3. Does your software help me to remove digital trail from RTF files completely?

Ans 3. Yes, the software is really helpful to reduce digital trail to maintain privacy.

Some Valuable Features of RTF Meta Removal Tool

The Conclusion

Because metadata contains confidential information that could be used maliciously by malicious actors, it is good to remove metadata from files.

In the above content, we have covered the topic “how to remove metadata from RTF files.” Here, we’ve offered the most effective solution and actionable steps to complete this task. Also, one can effortlessly remove meta from numerous RTF document files using the suggested app.