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Top 3 Methods to Reduce PNG File Size without Losing Quality

Written By
Nick Rogers
Published On
July 23rd, 2024
Reading Time
5 Minutes Reading

Note: Get here the top methods to reduce PNG file size without losing quality.

When working with digital images for websites, online sharing, better quality is very important. PNG is the most popular image format due to lossless compression and transparency support. However, large PNG files can cause several problems, such as slow down the download process, take up a lot of storage space, and more. We have seen several user queries where they face problems due to large PNG file size and need to reduce their size. Therefore, we are going to cover this query and provide users with the best methods to complete this task.

First, we look at user queries to understand the needs of different users.

  • How can I compress PNG images without losing quality?
  • What are the best tools to reduce PNG file size at once?
  • Is it possible to compress the PNG file size but keep its high resolution?
  • How to reduce the size of multiple PNG files on Windows 11 PC?
  • What is the best way to reduce file size of PNG images for faster loading times without degrading the image?

Like these, there are so many other user queries where they are looking for a solution to reduce PNG file size without losing quality. So, without wasting any more time let’s get to the solutions to complete this task.

How to Reduce PNG File Size without Losing Quality?

There are several methods for compressing PNG images. In the content below, we explain all possible ways to reduce PNG file size and their limitations. So, keep reading the features of all the methods and choose the method that suits your needs.

Method 1: Compress PNG Files Using Image Editing Software

  • Start this method by opening your PNG file in any image editing software like Photoshop.
  • Go to the Image, select Image Size, and reduce the dimensions of the image if it is too large.
  • Now, go to the File menu, choose the Export button, and Save for Web (Legacy).
  • Select the PNG-8 for some colors or PNG-24 for the more colors, and adjust the image quality.
  • Finally, use the optimization option to further reduce file size such as reducing the number of colors.

Limitations of the Above Method

  • Quality Loss
  • Limited Compression:
  • Processing Time
  • Software Capabilities
  • User Expertise
  • Compatibility Issues

Method 2: Use Any Online Software

On the internet, lots of online software available which allows you to reduce PNG file size.

  • Firstly, visit any trustworthy online site.
  • Click the Upload Files option and choose your PNG file.
  • Click the Download button.

Limitations of Online Software

  • Bulk compression is not possible
  • No guarantee of accuracy
  • You may lose file confidentiality

Method 3: Using Professional PNG Image Compression Tool

If you don’t want any restrictions and want accurate compression without losing quality, it is recommended to use 4n6 Document Compressor. This software has been developed keeping all types of user requirements in mind. This software allows you to easily compress multiple PNG images to file sizes without losing quality. In addition, the software has a very unique and simple user interface. You will not face any problem while using the tool.

Steps to Reduce PNG Images using 4n6 Software

  • Firstly, it is suggested to free download the software to test it without investing anything.
  • Once the app is downloaded, install it, run it, and click the Open button to begin process.
    click open
  • Here, from the given list, choose Images option.
    choose images
  • Choose PNG files option and browse your PNG files or folder as per your requirements.
  • Now, click the Export button and choose Compress option.
    choose compress
  • Choose the required location where you need to save output, enable required filters, and click Save.
    click save

That’s it. The application starts reducing PNG file size without losing quality. In a few moments, you will get the completion message.

Have a Look At the Main Features of the Tool

  • Batch Compression: With this advance tool, you can bulk compress multiple PNG images file size at the same time. It will save your precious time.
  • Resize PNG Images: If you need to resize PNG images, you can do it with this tool. The application allows you to choose the height and width of your files as needed.
  • Easy and Tested: This software has a very simple and intuitive graphical user interface. Also, the software is completely free from any type of risk.
  • Choose Output Location: With this software, you can choose the location where you need to save the resultant files. This feature will help you to easily access your compressed file.
  • Choose Image Quality Level: This advance PNG Image Compression Software allows you to choose the image quality level as per your requirements.
  • Windows Compatible: This powerful software is compatible with all the latest and older versions of Windows. You can download and use it on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and more.

This is not enough. The software also offers many other features to reduce the PNG file size without losing quality. So, download the app for free and take a test drive.


It’s always a good idea to save storage space and improve performance by reducing file size. In the above content, we have covered the much asked topic of how to reduce PNG file size without losing quality. We have explained all possible methods to complete this task. For some files, you can use manual and online methods. But if you have multiple files, you should use professional software.