Home » Blog » Image Converter » Know-How to Convert TIFF to WEBP Image Format With Complete Information

Know-How to Convert TIFF to WEBP Image Format With Complete Information

Written By
Nick Rogers
Published On
October 18th, 2022
Reading Time
4 Minutes Reading
Many of us have been using the popular TIFF image format for years. But it seems that a lot of people don’t know that there’s an easier way to create images, which is WEBP. WEBP is a great alternative to TIFF because it’s smaller than TIFF, has better compression, and is compatible with all web browsers.

In today’s world, converting images from one format to another is a simple task. But when it comes to converting a large number of files, the process can be quite time-consuming. The good news is that you don’t need to convert each file individually, instead, you can use an offline tool that will do the job for you. Today we will show you how to convert TIFF to WEBP format in bulk.

User Query;

Hello, there On my PC, there are a number of TIFF files. Additionally, I must switch to WebP for various professional reasons. I tried many internet converters because of this, but none of them performed as well as I had hoped. Please provide me with a simple method to convert TIFF to WEBP file formats without compromising the image’s quality. I appreciate it.

Why Does User Want to Change TIFF File to WEBP Image?

Here are a few reasons why a user would need to convert TIFF to WEBP files.

  1. Webp has a faster loading time since it uses fewer bytes to hold the picture than Tiff.
  2. The main goal of the Webp file format is to provide faster-loading, higher-quality pictures that are smaller and more attractive.
  3. Numerous browsers are compatible with Webp.
    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge 18+
    • Opera 11.10+
    • Native web browser, Android 4.0+ (ICS)
    • WebP lossy, lossless & alpha support
    • Firefox 65+
    • Opera 12.10+
    • WebP Animation support
    • Opera 19+

How to Convert Image from PNG to WEBP Format?

4n6 Tiff File Converter is the best tool to convert TIFF to WEBP, with this tool you can convert your Tiff files to any other format in bulk. This Tiff to WEBP Converter software does not let your image quality deteriorate while converting and there is no size limit in this software. Although there are many online tools on google to change TIFF files to WEBP with the help of which you can convert, your data is saved on the online tool’s servers, so we always recommend using offline tools.

Free Download

Instruction on How to Use TIFF to WEBP Converter Software

  1. Firstly, download the TIFF to WEBP converter software and install it on your windows platform
    tiff to webp converter
  2. After the installation, click on the open button in the left corner menu bar and then select the TIFF option in the drop-down menu and then upload it
    upload tiff files
  3. After the uploading, you can preview your TIFF files in the software panel
  4. Thereafter, hit the Export button in the menu bar and then select the WEBP option in the drop-down menu for the continuing conversion process
    select webp
  5. Lastly, select the final preferred location for the resultant files and then hit the Save button, now your TIFF files will be converted into WEBP format
    save webp

Advance Key Feature of TIFF to WEBP Converter Software

  • The utility enables batch conversion of numerous TIFF files into WEBP format.
  • Users may store the resulting WEBP files in any place on their computer thanks to this feature.
  • The TIFF to WEBP converter application is compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP, and Vista, among others.
  • It makes it easier to convert TIFF photos in bulk to WEBP format.
  • To convert TIFF to WEBP file formats does not need the installation of any extra applications.
  • The program offers two ways to load TIFF files for the converting task.
  • The software has an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface and is straightforward.


TIFF document conversion is not a feature that is accessible everywhere. Great and straightforward software is required to carry out such picture conversion. As a result, we advise you to try the 4n6 image converter tool. This utility makes it simple to convert TIFF to WEBP format, as described in this blog. No further application installation is required for the same. So go ahead and download the software and easily complete the process. Please update the product’s licencing keys if you have any queries about the technology.