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How to Convert Image from PNG to BMP Format without Losing Image Quality?

Written By
Nick Rogers
Published On
October 18th, 2022
Reading Time
5 Minutes Reading

If you want to save money, you can convert image from PNG to BMP files. PNG is an open-source image format that supports transparency and animation. It’s widely using because of its high compression ratio and excellent visual quality. Bmp is an older graphics format that is more commonly uses for older graphics files. In the end, It’s a common problem for graphic designers, that they don’t know how to convert PNG images to BMP files. so in the article, we will describe the very simplest solution to change PNG files to BMP in bulk.

User Query;

Since I am a photographer, I always choose to save or print my photographs in the BMP image format. A few days ago, I received numerous pictures in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format from one of my business partners so I could print banners. In contrast to PNG photos, I can declare from experience that BMP images provide the highest quality when printing. Please provide me with a tip on how to convert image from PNG to BMP bitmap graphics offline.

Why Does User Want to Change PNG to BMP Format?

One could wish to batch convert image from PNG to BMP for various reasons. We will go through some of the main justifications for this technique in the next section.

  • Since BMP is an uncompressed image format, images stored in it are often not compressed. And as a result, the image’s quality is incredibly clear and natural. However, the colour and quality of a picture preserve when it saving as a BMP. However, this could be the BMP format’s greatest benefit.
  • Because they are often identical to the original, high-quality photos used for printing, this format is most commonly associated with printed images. Additionally, Microsoft Paint mainly uses this format. Therefore, everytime an image block saving in Paint, the file type to preserve as BMP. Because of its vast size, this format regarding as the greatest picture type even if it does not permit file compression.

How to Convert PNG File to BMP Image Format?

To convert image from PNG to BMP, the only tool that can convert your files without any loss is called the 4n6 PNG File Converter Tool. This tool is able to convert your PNG files without loss of quality and without size restrictions. If you are wondering whether there is any manual solution available for this, yes a manual solution is available. But it has lots of limitations, so we do not suggest using it, even after that you have to use it, then we have told about it below. Before knowing about manual solution read about the steps and benefits of using this automated software which is recommended by all.

Free Download

How to Use PNG ton BMP Converter Software?

  1. Firstly, download the PNG to BMP converter software by clicking the download now button directly, and then install it on your windows platform
    png to bmp converter
  2. After the installation and opening of the software, click on the open button in the left corner menu bar
    open button
  3. Thereafter choose the PNG option in the drop-down menu and then upload the .png files to the software panel
    upload png files
  4. After the uploading, you can preview your .png files on the right side of the software panel
    preview png image
  5. Eventually, click on the Export button in the menu bar and then select the BMP option in the drop-down menu for the conversion process
    choose bmp
  6. Finally, select the last destination path for the resultant files and then click on the Save button, now your PNG image will be converted into BMP file format
    click bmp save

Advantages of PNG to BMP Converter Software

  • This toolkit approves the mass conversion of Portable Network Graphics (PNG) to Bitmap Images (BMP) in order to meet professional standards.
  • In the toolbar window, the image converter software provides two choices for uploading PNG files.
  • Following the selection of an entire folder for conversion, the software panel displays a preview of each picture, allowing users to pick just certain PNG files for conversion.
  • By selecting the Browse button, users may choose any exact destination directory to save the converted BMP photos.
  • The add file or add folder capability of this utility also enables users to convert their photographs in masse. Depending on the user’s needs, this option allows inserting a variety of pictures or a complete folder.

Transfer PNG to BMP Image Format via Manual Solution

Note: Users must have Microsoft Paint installed on their computer in order to apply this approach.

  1. Open Microsoft Paint and choose your PNG file to get started.
  2. After selecting the File menu, choose the Save As option.
  3. The next step is choosing BMP as your saving format from the drop-down option.
Limitations:- Only people who have a small number of photos to export as BMP will find this approach useful and you will lose the image quality so the MS Paint application itself speaks after the conversion. It is strongly encouraged that if you have a large number of photos, you use a professional solution to convert image from PNG to BMP files.


The two best methods to batch convert image from PNG to BMP are mentioned in this post. Any option that satisfies their wants is available to users. But as we already said, the manual technique has certain drawbacks. And it can only help people who have a limited number of photographs to save as BMP. However, we strongly advise using the Professional Solution that we have already indicated in this blog post in the event of bulk photos.