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What is SQL Server Error 9002?

Written By
Nick Rogers
Published On
June 24th, 2024
Reading Time
5 Minutes Reading

Summary: This blog will explain the benefits if you need a relevant solution and want to know about SQL Server error 9002. After that, we’ll discuss the best solution and the common reasons for error 9002. We would like to share them with you through this blog.

SQL Server error 9002 occurs when transaction log files become full or the database itself is full. This prevents additional transactions from being logged, effectively impairing operations that require logging. 

Invalid transactions, log files that are not complete in growth, and disk space shortages are among the general causes of this error. The error is resolved by backing up the transaction log file to create more space, adding disk space then having regular checks on logs. It can prevent the problem.

transaction error

Fast Peek About Transaction Logs

Transaction logs within the database record all the changes that have occurred, and they also track all modifications made to the database, such as delete, update, insert, etc. Transaction logs are very important for maintaining the data and ensuring data integrity. For instance, they are essential for recovering data in the event of a system crash. The transaction log is used to roll back uncommitted transactions and roll forward committed ones. This is the main part of database management that supports features such as specific time recovery and replication.

Common Reasons Behind the SQL Error 9002?

There are multiple reasons behind the SQL error 9002. Below are some common ones : 

  •  Issue with Disk Space: It take place when too much space on the storage is taken up by transaction log files and there is not enough room for growth. It consequently results in error 9002.
  • Long-running Transactions: Sometimes, transactions take a lot of time to complete, causing the transaction log to grow extremely. This happens when the transaction is not committed and is rolled back without delay.
  • Uncommitted transaction: Transactions are not complete yet, and they have not been committed to the database, hence contributing to the growth of the transaction log.
  • Log File Auto-Growth Settings: auto-growth of the log file is not properly configured, or it has been set to a small increment, causing the transaction log files to reach their maximum size quickly.
  • Database in Full Recovery Mode: For the database we are using, where we are recovering a significant amount of data in full, the transaction log needs daily backups to prevent it from growing too large.
  • Backup Failures: This is also a common reason for transaction log backups to fail, meaning that the log file is not being regularly checked, leading to error 9002.

Know How to Remove SQL Error 9002 Step-by-Step?

To resolve this error, you can follow the steps below: 

Step 1. Free up space: If the transaction log file becomes full, then free up some space, and there are several ways to free up space.

  • Transaction Logs Backup: Always remember to take daily backups to keep space-free and avoid any issues with storing data. If you haven’t logged in for backup, you can also backup through commands.

BACKUP LOG TransactionDatabaseName TO Disk =     ‘C:\Backup\YourDatabaseLogBackup.trn’;

  • Reduce the log size: If you don’t need exact time recovery and want to discard inactive transactions, you can truncate the log using the command below.

USE YourDatabaseName; BACKUP LOG YourDatabaseName WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY;

Note: If you want to use the TRUNCATE_ONLY option, which is deprecated in newer versions of SQL Server, then you can use the BACKUP LOG… WITH NORECOVERY option instead.

Step 2. Regular Maintenance: Keep performing timely backups and maintenance, regularly check the log file, optimize the database, and prevent future occurrences of Error 9002.

Step 3. Enhance the log file size: If you occasionally encounter the issue of log file fullness and have sufficient disk space, you can increase the size of the log file so that there is enough room for additional transactions. By using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or T-SQL commands.

Using this command, adjust the file size: 

ALTER DATABASE LogTranasactionDatabaseName MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'YourLogFileName', SIZE = 1024MB);

If the error is due to a damaged LDF file, you can try using the SQL Log Analyzer. This utility scans the file in a detailed manner, regardless of its size, and retrieves records that were inserted, updated, or deleted, bringing them back into SQL Server-compatible SQL scripts.

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How to Fix SQL Server Error 9002 Using T-SQL Method

If the transaction log or the database becomes full due to a log_backup error 9002, it could also be because the procedure is different due to replication.

Now, here, we execute the query:

SELECT name, log_reuse_wait_desc
FROM sys. databases
Where name =  ‘DB_Name’

Now, under this value log_reuse_wait_desc, the user can view multiple values, such as : 


These are cases of replication. and therefore, we must double-check the outcome for which the following command needs to be run.

SELECT [is_published]
, [is_subsribed] 
FROM sys. Databases
WHERE name = ‘Database_Name'

Then afterward, we got this message: 1Row Affected

Now  we fix this issue by following the command: 

SET @ScriptToExecute = ‘ ‘;
@ScriptToExecute = @ScriptToExecute +
‘Use  [‘ + d.name +’]; CHECKPOINT; DBCC SHRINKFILE  (‘+f.name+’);’
FROM sys. master _files f
INNER JOIN  sys. databases  d ON d.database_id = f.database_id
WHERE f.type = 1 AND d.database_id > 4
--AND d.name = NameofDB’
SELECT @ScriptToExecute ScriptToExecute
EXEC (@ScriptToExecute)


In this article, we discussed the SQL Server error 9002 and, in short, transaction logs. Moreover, we discussed in depth some common reasons for the SQL error 9002. I hope this article will help users resolve this error 9002 easily.