4n6 Email Viewer Wizard

Learn how this Email Viewer Tool Works

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Open, View, and Read Email Files, Desktop, and Cloud Email Services Data


Download 4n6 Email Viewer Application on your Windows computer.

run email viewer tool

From the menu tab, click on Open button.

click open button

Click on Email Data Files, Desktop Email Clients, Email Accounts, Email Server as per the need.

choose the option as per the need

Choose Email Data Files and the following list will appears.

choose email data file

After choosing required email format, click on Choose Files or Choose Folders option.

choose email files or folders

The application will load all the files or folders on the left panel.

load files or folders

Preview your email data files content, message headers, hex value, and more.

preview your data

Click on export button and choose the required file saving option.

click on export

Choose the Destination Path and Final Naming option.

choose destination and file naming

Click on Save button to begin the process.

click on save button

Click on Desktop Email Clients and the following list will open.

choose desktop email client

Choose Email Accounts option to open your email account data.

click on email accounts

Click on Email Servers to open and view email services data.

choose email services